yasin wade

Navy Spouse

Yasin Wade


Winter 2020

Favorite Baked Goods


Yasin holds a bachelor of science degree in communication with a minor in political science from Old Dominion University, and is pursuing her master’s in political management at The George Washington University. She has a background in public relations, media relations, marketing, commercial real estate, and human resources. Over the years, she’s learned how to have grace under pressure as her role of being a Navy Wife, Chief’s Wife then Naval Officer’s Wife evolved. Accordingly, she has dedicated much time volunteering at her children’s schools and community. Yasin is the surviving spouse of Navy Lieutenant Daniel J. Wade, recipient of Navy and Marine Corps Medal (highest non-combat decorations award for heroism). LT Wade served for nearly 16 years in the US Navy.

Yasin learned about the Dog Tag Fellowship through a friend shortly after relocating back to Northern Virginia to be closer to family. She’s excited about applying the business knowledge gained through Dog Tag to run her own business and turn her passion for advocacy into a profession. 

Yasin’s favorite treats are brownies.

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