Army Veteran
Robert "Monster" Dagon
DC Cohort 16
Favorite Baked Goods
Lemon Cake
Robert is originally from Connecticut and he was fortunate enough to have traveled and lived in other countries. His education mostly stems from real world experience, and some time spent at Manchester Community College. There his focus was business and the culinary arts.
He is a veteran of OEF. Two tours to Afghanistan totaling close to three years as an Infantryman. Right out of high school jolted into the war, he spent his time there maintaining the country's security, leading his fellow soldiers, and integrating democracy and the American way of life in to the locals. Always growing and learning from those surrounded by him.
Upon his return home he realized that he was now a soldier with no objective, no sense of duty. Through many years of searching for a purpose, he stumbled on Dog Tag Fellowship Program and what they had to offer those that are searching for something better in life. Now becoming part of the fellowship and a cohort he is beginning to realize his dream of operating and maintaining a business he can call his own.
His favorite baked good dish is a beautifully luscious lemon cake.
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