mindy boulanger

Army Spouse & Caregiver

Mindy Boulanger


Saskatchewan, Canada


Winter 2018

Favorite Baked Goods


Originally from Saskatchewan, Canada, Mindy Boulanger has experience in hospitality, customer service, and beautician fields.  After graduating with an office education certificate at Woodland SIAST, she spent time working in a law office.  Mindy became a permanent US resident after she married her husband José, an Army specialist, and became his caregiver.  While transitioning out of the military, their son Antonio was born. Together as a family, they put all their belongings into storage and went on a two-month road trip through Canada and the US.  

Mindy is excited to learn what it takes to become an entrepreneur through her time in the Dog Tag Fellowship.  Mindy dreams of one day opening her own ADA-compliant bed and breakfast.  She is ready to make the necessary steps to achieve that dream, and looks forward to making it a reality.  She is gluten-free, but loves brownies.

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