Mareile McLaughlin Headshot

Army Veteran

Mareile McLaughlin




DC Cohort 16

Favorite Baked Goods

Rhubarb Crumble Cake, Tiramisu, Macaroons, or Cheesecake

Mareile was born in Germany⁠—an Army Brat, which made it an easy decision to know that she wanted to be like her dad and join the Army. After 10 years of service, however, she wanted life to go a different direction. Mareile graduated with a business degree from Southwestern College, KS. Mareile could not leave the military community completely and started work with the DOD as an FRSA. It was during this time that she met Jimmy, her husband of now ten years. Jimmy is currently still serving in the Army, stationed at JB MDL.

Following the birth of their second child, Mareile chose to leave the workforce and stay home. With back-to-back deployments and lots of moving, she chose to focus on family. This led to lots of volunteer opportunities at each of their new duty stations. Mareile also took this time to complete her MBA.

Mareile recently returned to the US after another overseas tour, and after searching through programs, remembered Dog Tag Bakery. A friend had completed the program six years prior and loved it. After reading all about it, Mareile decided that this was exactly what she needed in her life at this moment. It felt as if it was created for her, a perfect fit. Mareile is looking forward to learning skills, meeting and interacting with interesting new people, and being inspired.

Mareile cannot pick one favorite baked good, but she enjoys Rhubarb Crumble Cake, Tiramisu, macaroons, and a good cheesecake.

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