elizabeth van gestel

DC Program Manager

Elizabeth Van Gestel

Elizabeth believes sharing food is one of the best ways to truly connect with others. The bakery component of the program is what drew her to work for Dog Tag.

As Chef Instructor, Elizabeth’s role is to provide customized and systemized training and development of bakery and pastry operations, including instruction during the kitchen rotation of the fellows program. She has worked for Dog Tag since it opened, helping in all aspects of the bakery from baking bread to menu development.


Elizabeth holds a B.A. from Colgate University, a J.D. from American University, and a Certificate of Pastry Arts from L’Academie de Cuisine. While not at work, as a native Washingtonian, she enjoys hiking with her husband and their dog on the trails in Rock Creek, biking, and spending time at the beach in Delaware.


Elizabeth’s favorite baked good is a fresh baguette, right out of the oven.

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