cheynne vidunas

Navy Spouse

Cheyenne Vidunas


Summer 2020

Favorite Baked Goods

Scottish Scone

Cheyenne Vidunas was born and raised in Southern California. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology at the University of La Verne. After college, she took a chance by moving to Honolulu, Hawaii, where she began her career in nonprofit work. Her passion for community service and youth mentoring was sparked as an AmeriCorps intern at the YMCA of Honolulu. During that time, she met her husband who was stationed there with the US Navy. Eventually, the Navy brought them to the Washington D.C. area where Cheyenne continued her nonprofit career. 

When Cheyenne heard about the Dog Tag Fellowship Program, she felt a pull to explore her entrepreneurial curiosities, gain hands-on experience in business management, and further her education. She is excited to draw on her various experiences in nonprofit management and explore the idea of one day creating her own organization. Her full vision may not be clear yet, but she is motivated and driven to positively impact the communities around her. Cheyenne hopes that the fellowship program will bring clarity to her vision and give her the practical tools to make it happen.

Cheyenne’s favorite baked good is a fresh Scottish scone with jam.

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