
Voices of Dog Tag: Stephanie Dempsey

In this installment of Voices of Dog Tag, we’re featuring Cohort 9 Alum Stephanie Dempsey. 

Going through the Dog Tag Fellowship Program, Stephanie looked forward to using the tools she was gaining to build a community focused on seeing and celebrating the special in each of us. Following graduation, Stephanie gave back to the Dog Tag community by assisting with our holiday gift boxes in 2019. She and her daughter also started My Neighborhood Flowers, a small side project that works to connect people through flowers.


After reentering the workforce, Stephanie decided to take some time off and reprioritize. Through that period of self-discovery, Stephanie decided to make a career shift. “When I think about the pause I took, “leaning into ambiguity” comes up. When I left my job, I didn’t know my next step. I felt fear and shame about not knowing what I was working toward. So I started writing. I committed to this routine and explored the feelings that came up. And eventually, I started noticing the stirrings of what was next. I joined a writing group at a local library and took classes through ASAP and The Writing Center. I looked into courses and classes I found interesting and then I applied to some that excited me.” Stephanie also tapped back into her Dog Tag network during this time and reconnected with fellow Cohort 9 alum, Marlita Price, who listened, commiserated, and offered inspiration.

Today, Stephanie is working to become a licensed massage therapist and also is participating in the Amazon Web Services Tech U program. Stephanie notes that fighting imposter syndrome can be difficult but getting engaged again with learning has been invigorating. In becoming a massage therapist, Stephanie says she hopes to help others reconnect with their bodies and better manage their pain. “I'm also developing cloud computing skills and I want to use these skills to help ease IT infrastructure pain points and help companies transition to the cloud. In both roles, I'm working to improve functioning in a complex system. Transitions can be tough, even positive ones, like my youngest turning 18 and heading off to college. But a solid writing practice, hard work, support, and learning some new things are getting me through. And now, I'm excited to pay it forward!